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Law and Politics

Sintsov G.V. On toughening the punishment for violations in the area of illegal prescription drug trade

Abstract: The subject of this research is the responsibility for violations in the area of illegal prescription drug trade. The object of the research is the legislation of the Russian Federation, which sets the responsibility for violation of any rules in the sphere of prescription drugs. The author turns his attention to the vectors of fight against counterfeit prescription medication on the territory of Russian Federation. The relevance of this research is justified by the statistical data that records a high mortality rate caused by counterfeit medicines, and a very low percentage of indictments. Among the main conclusions are the proposals to systematize the work in the area of toughening the punishment for crimes and violations of manufacturing, sale, or trafficking of fake, counterfeit, and low-grade or unregistered medicines, and trade of medical products and dietary supplements on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as the demarcation of criminal and administrative responsibility.


health, responsibility limits, criminal liability, administrative liability, medecine, drugs, violation of the law, liability, counterfeit drugs, legislation change

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