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Law and Politics
Aristov E.V. (2015). Spanish welfare state. Law and Politics, 9, 1226–1233.
Aristov E.V. Spanish welfare stateAbstract: The subject of this research is the aspects of the model of welfare state implemented in Spain. The article demonstrates the guarantees of a welfare state set within the constitutional legislation of Spain, as well as within legislation of its autonomous communities. The author examines the content of the concept of welfare state as one of the foundations of a constitutional structure and as a constitutional legal principle. Analysis is conducted on the history of formation of a welfare state in Spain starting from XVIII century – the rule of King Charles III of Spain, throughout the fascist Franco’s regime, and modern time. The scientific novelty consists in designating Spain as a “welfare state” not only in juridical (legislative) definition of a state that enacted and practices welfare policy, but also as a state that has a real, vast number of instruments in addition to just welfare policy. Based on analysis of the legislation, the author makes conclusions on the peculiarities of the welfare statehood of Spain: the system of social insurance is created with the special accent on covering the elderly working population; mandatory medical insurance is enacted mainly for employees in the industrial sector earning wages below a certain level; employment insurance applies mostly to the male workers. Keywords: Welfare state, Welfare statehood, Constitutional law, Welfare guarantees, Social policy, Social insurance, Pension, Mandatory medical insurance, Social security, Economic model
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