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Law and Politics

Stukonog I.V. The limits of judicial control over the adherence to the principle of reasonable term for pretrial stages of criminal procedure

Abstract: The subject of this research is the institution of judicial control over the adherence to the reasonable term for pretrial stages of criminal procedure. The object of this research is the principle of reasonable term for criminal procedure, its definition and criteria set by the legislation, as well as judicial control as one of the acting mechanisms of its realization. The author gives a detailed review of such aspects of this topic as efficiency of the rules on reasonableness of the term for criminal procedure, and sufficiency of the enacted criteria of said principle of the procedure. The main conclusions of the conducted research are the theses on insufficient normative regulation of the limitations of judicial control over the adherence to the reasonableness of terms for pretrial stages of criminal procedure, including during review of complaints of violation of the procedural terms, the need for additional examination of the forming judicial practice even by the highest judicial branch on criminal cases.


Reasonable term, Criminal procedure, Judicial control, Procedural terms, Pretrial stage, Review of complaints, Participants of the criminal procedure, Court, Term of examination, Term of preliminary investigation

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