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Law and Politics

Kasatkina A.S., Kobakhidze D.I. On some institutions of international private maritime law: maritime lien, rescue of ships and other property at sea

Abstract: This article is dedicated to the research of the main trends in regulation of legal relations, pertaining to such key institutions of international private maritime law as maritime lien, and rescue of ships and other property at sea. These legal institutions not only carry great significance from the perspective of their theoretical cognition and scientific analysis, but also play an important role in merchant shipping, which at the present time increases exponentially in international trade relations. The authors make an accent on the multifacetedness and richness of sources of these institutions of international private maritime law that is substantiated by the specificity of relations associated with international law. The relevance of this problematic is also confirmed by the presence of modern international trends of reform and unification of these institutions of private maritime law, which is confirmed by new conventions passed by the global maritime coalition, development of new documents by international organizations that are widely applied in the merchant shipping as “soft law”, as well as implementation of international norms into national legislation by many countries.


bottomry, maritime lien, unification, customs of merchant shipping, national legislation, international agreements, international transport law, maritime privileged requirements, vessel resque, salvage contract

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