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Law and Politics

Svininykh E.A. Exclusion from participation in public procurement as a means of fighting corruption in accordance with the law of the European Union, Great Britain, United States, and Russian Federation

Abstract: This article presents the analysis of the institution of excluding parties from participating in public procurement due to corruption violations. The author defines the notion, legal nature, and types of exclusion of parties from public procurement according to the law of the European Union, Great Britain, United States, and Russian Federation. A special attention is given to the comparative analysis of the basis and terms of exclusion within Russian and foreign legislations, including removal from participation for third-party corruption violations. The author determines possible ways to improve this institution within Russian legislation, and notes the need to broaden the bases for exclusion from participation due to corruption violations. For information purposes it is reasonable to create and maintain a registry of participants of public procurement that have previously been excluded due to corruption or other violations.


state needs, exclusion of suppliers, contract system, contracting, government contract, public procurement, government procurement, state order, corruption, fighting corruption

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