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Law and Politics
Belyaeva G.S., Belyaev V.P.
Classification of legal regimes: approaches and grounds
// Law and Politics.
2015. № 7.
P. 1040-1048.
Belyaeva G.S., Belyaev V.P. Classification of legal regimes: approaches and groundsAbstract: This article examines general theoretical and industry approaches towards classification of legal regimes, as well as such grounds for their type differentiation as subject of legal regulation; legal nature; type of legal regulation; correlation of stimuli and restrictions; subject of lawmaking; field and time of operation. The diversity of grounds for classification of legal regimes exists in both, the general theoretical and industry planes, which is substantiated by the subject and method of legal regulation and the differences of tasks set before the legal regimes, and the means of executing them. These grounds for classification of legal regimes allow us to synthesize their essential characteristics, clearly demonstrate their organic interconnection with public relations, and socio-political and legal significance. In the practical sense, identifying these classification characteristics aids in developing more substantiated proposals on improving legislation during its codification, removing ambiguity, collisions, gaps, and many other flaws inherent in the current legal system. Keywords: Legal regime, Classification, Basis for classification, Classification approaches, Legal regulation, Legal nature, Type of legal regulation, Stimuli and restrictions, Lawmaking, Industry
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