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Law and Politics
Dudash T.I. (2015). Linguistic and semiotic prerequisites for perception of law. Law and Politics, 7, 1027–1039.
Dudash T.I. Linguistic and semiotic prerequisites for perception of lawAbstract: This article is dedicated to the research of linguistic and semiotic perception of law. The goal of the article is to determine whether or not throughout time there have been regularities in concept of law marked by specific symbols, and whether there have been regularities in naming the notions of various social phenomena as laws. The semiotic part of the research revealed that in the ancient times the perception of law in a form of mono-norms was signified by symbols allowing or forbidding certain actions. For linguistic research, the author selected laws in main languages that have etymological dictionaries. There are at least two types of legal perception – “positivistic” and “natural”. Within legal terms of some languages we can observe certain variations (combinations) of main types of legal perception, and their integration (including in ancient Greek, Germanic, Slavic, and Finno-Ugric languages, in which laws represent notions of phenomena that are able to externally influence human behavior and steer them in the right direction). Keywords: Symbol, Law, Etymology, Natural languages, Reason for naming, Internal structure of a word, Mono-norm, Markings, Denotation, Legal perception
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