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Law and Politics

Sadykhov A.A. Legal means of ensuring the freedom of will

Abstract: The subject of this research is the norms of the Russian legislation that regulate inheritance by will, public relations, set by the norms of inheritance law that are directly linked to the rights of the testator: actions of realization of the freedom of will; legal norms that provide the concept, terms of execution, limits and protection of the freedom of will. The author examines he work of the law enforcement aimed at ensuring the realization and protection of the freedom of will, rules of maintaining confidentiality of the will, as well as materials of notary and legal precedent and their application. Based on this research of the state of the legal theory and specificity of the realization of the principles of inheritance by will, the author conducted a complex analysis of the positions of this sphere and proposes a number of theoretical and practical recommendations on solution to the problems in legislation, as well as original view on several debatable points within the theory of civil law.


Inheritance, Freedom of will, Principles, Variety, Will of testator, Freedom of choice, Law and order, Protection of morality, Encroachment, Maintaining confidentiality of a will

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