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Law and Politics

Nazarov D.G. Content of the rights and liberties in the field of mass media in Russia

Abstract: This research examines the multifacetedness of the content of the rights and liberties exercised in the field of mass media in Russia, their mutual systemic connections, their place within the system of constitutional rights and liberties set by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as aspects of the legal regulation of ensuring protection of the rights and liberties of humans and citizens within the field of mass media. The author attempts to conduct an analysis and systematization of the ideas on the general and private concepts of rights and liberties within mass media in juridical sense, including judicial. The author uses structural analysis of the main concepts to compare the points of view of prominent juridical scholars and refers to the Constitution of the Russian Federation and main international legal acts in the area of human rights and work of mass media.


Content, Information, Mass media, Speech, Thought, Right, Liberty, Constitution, Warranties, Analysis

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