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Law and Politics

Mazurova E.A. The order of distribution of deputy mandates as an essential part of proportional electoral system

Abstract: The subject of this research is the theoretical and practical issues associated with realization of the mechanism for distribution of deputy mandates between the candidates from the slates submitted by the electoral unions during deputy elections for legislative branch of government on the regional level by the proportional electoral system, as well as federal and regional legislation that regulates said procedure of distribution of mandates. A special attention is given to the questions of maintaining priority of the candidates in the slate in case of refusal by one or another candidate from receiving the mandate, and the analysis of the legal position of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation expressed on this matter. Based on the analysis of the regional electoral legislation, the author comes to a conclusion on existence of a clash of constitutional values, which on one hand are linked to the right of the party to promote candidates within the slate of candidates, and exercising of citizens’ passive electoral right on the other.


deputy mandate, exclusion from slate, waiver of mandate, order of distribution of mandates, passive electoral right, slate of candidates, political parties, electoral system, transfer of mandates, deputy election

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