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Law and Politics

Lipinskiy D.A. Social justification of the positive legal responsibility

Abstract: This article is dedicated to the social bases of positive legal responsibility, without which building a legal state and forming a civil society is impossible. The author defends the legal nature of positive legal responsibility using the rich social and philosophical material. The author simultaneously conducts a polemic with scientists-sociologists and philosophers, who while devising the general concepts of social responsibility, do not take into consideration the specificity of legal responsibility. The subject of the research also includes various types of social norms, including juridical, which contain positive responsibility. The work presents results of polling. The article gives original definitions to social and legal responsibility, presents the polling data from different categories of citizens and experts (legal scholars) on the issues of positive legal responsibility and its regulatory impact. The author justifies a unified character of legal responsibility, which includes the positive (voluntary) and negative (state mandatory) forms of realization. The statutory (unified) responsibility is the responsibility (requirement) to uphold the legal rules by the parties of legal relations that is objectively justified, and set by the law, which if violated, forces the violator to suffer judgement, limitation of rights of property or personal non-property nature.


necessity, debt, legal liability, forms of responsibility implementation, positive responsibility, social responsibility, free will, negative responsibility, statutory responsibility, legal debt

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