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Law and Politics

Esakov G.A. Universal criminal jurisdiction (due to crimes of terroristic nature)

Abstract: The subject of this research is the issues of defining, establishing, and applying the universal jurisdiction within Russian criminal law. The author examines the questions of forming a universal jurisdiction in the Lotus and Arrest Warrant cases; its problematic issues such as trial in absence of the defendant are being reviewed. The main subject of the article focuses on the problems of universal jurisdiction due to crimes of terroristic nature. A research is conducted on the possible vectors of future development of the Russian criminal law in the area of universal jurisdiction, including the aspect of adhering to the norms of international law. The main conclusions of the conducted research pertain to the determination of the place, significance, and future prospects for development of the universal jurisdiction within Russian law. The author determines possible directions for improving criminal legislation, reveals possible complications and proposes the ways to solve them in accordance with the positions of international law and practice of international courts.


International Court of Justice, international law, terroristic crimes, citizenship, applicability of criminal legislation, universal jurisdiction, Lotus principle, jurisdiction, trial in absentia, criminal law

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