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Law and Politics

Zheldybina T.A. On increasing efficiency of the lawmaking process under the conditions of democratic reforms

Abstract: This article analyzes the factors that promote the increase of effectiveness of the lawmaking process in the Russian Federation. From the perspective of modern juridical scientific knowledge the author researches the peculiarities of modern lawmaking with consideration of the current democratic reforms. The author analyzed the increase in the dynamics of the legislative work on the federal and regional levels, and makes a conclusion on the need for development of a mechanism for sequential improvements to the legislation in form of an institution of public lawmaking initiative as an institution of direct democracy. Analysis is given to the importance of the factor of the timeliness of passing a law, and participation of the scientific juridical community in the legislative process. From the position of modern scientific approach a research is conducted on the factors of improving the efficiency of legislative process pertaining to the modern conditions of democratic reforms. Conclusions are made on the necessity to strengthen the authority of the law, and coordination of lawmaking on the federal and regional levels.


Lawmaking, Democracy, Effectiveness, Law, Legislation, Reforms, Bill, Lawmaking process, Legal state, Lawmaking practice

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