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Law and Politics
Baranovskaya I.G. (2015). Legal regulation of the amendments and termination of the land lease agreements. Law and Politics, 4, 583–586.
Baranovskaya I.G. Legal regulation of the amendments and termination of the land lease agreementsAbstract: The subject of this research is the legal relations pertaining to the changes and termination of the land lease agreements associated with the discontinuation of lease obligations, where the object is a piece of land. These legal relations carry a mixed character, as they are regulated by the civil, land, and other legislation of the Russian Federation. The article presents a few debatable aspects of termination of a land lease agreement: correlation between termination of the agreement and discontinuation of obligations; the questions of consequences of termination of a land lease agreement. The author examines termination of a lease based on a mutual agreement, as well as by a unilateral decision. In conclusion the author proposes making changes to the current legislation of the Russian Federation. Keywords: lease, land, amendment, termination, contract, discontinuation, obligation, legal relation, registration, basis
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