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Law and Politics

Erpyleva N.Yu., Klevchenkova M.N. Concepts and Subjects of Foreign Investments within Investment Law of Russia and Moldova

Abstract: The subject of this research is the categories of foreign investments and foreign investor within international investment law of Russia and Moldova through the prism of three levels of legal regulation – national legislation, bilateral, and multilateral international agreements. Although it is based upon the widely used legal constructs and instruments, the national legislation, which regulates international investments, within the framework of conceptual construct can significantly differ between the country that is the recipient of foreign investments, and the country of the origin of a foreign investor. This situation is very characteristic of Russia’s and Moldova’s legislation that are both current participants of the key integrational process taking place across the post-Soviet space within the framework of CIS. The main conclusions of the conducted research consist in determination of the similar traits and differences within the legal regulation of Russia and Moldova pertaining to the categories of foreign investments (including concepts, types, and forms of investments) and foreign investor (including legal entities, and private parties), reviewed through the prism of the normative acts of international organizations of economic integration.


investing, national legislation, international agreement, foreign investor, foreign investments, international investment law, partnerships, branch, subsidiary, investment fund

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