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Law and Politics

Goryan E.V. The prospects of creating a special economic zone “free port of Vladivostok”: comparative legal analysis

Abstract: The author analyzes the project of Federal law "On the free port of Vladivostok" in light of the economic zones provided by the Russian legislation, with special regime that corresponds to the Federal Law of the United States. The author point out the flaws within the legal regulation of the economic zones of the Russian Federation, and proposes consideration of the positive experience of the foreign countries. The low economic efficiency of the currently existing zones and the corruption component of their functioning casts doubt on the possibility of creation of a special economic zone (free port, porto franco) in the Primorsky Krai. The main conclusion of the conducted research is the fact that the present legislation on special economic zones does not account for participation of the Russian Federation in the international trade agreements within the framework of the World Trade Organization and other organizations. Using the positive experience of the foreign countries would allow avoiding financial, public and governmental, as well as management and reputation losses. Placement of the Special Economic Zones (SEZ) is possible not only around the sea ports, but also on the land of the country at the crossing of major transport flows. The stated above testifies to the need for reforming the legislation with consideration of the present results of the functioning of the economic zones, foreign experience and its further unification taking into account the concept that has been devised and confirmed on the government level, which would place the government and public interest at the core of the purpose for creating such zones.


residents, international trade agreements, free customs zone, grantee, foreign-trade zone, porto franco, special economic zone, cabotage, public interest, international worker rights

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