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Law and Politics
Belikova K.M. (2015). The effects of the provisions of special legislation on the positions of contractual law within the BRICS countries: ban on certain types of contracts by the antimonopoly legislation. Law and Politics, 3, 309–318.
Belikova K.M. The effects of the provisions of special legislation on the positions of contractual law within the BRICS countries: ban on certain types of contracts by the antimonopoly legislationAbstract: This article reviews the ban on certain types of contracts by the antimonopoly legislation within the BRICS countries. The freedom of contract is a principle that is defined by the legal regulation, and limitations within it are extremely rare. The handling of the possible limitations to the freedom of contract is conducted by the antimonopoly authorities within the Russian legislation and legislation of the BRICS countries. The author comes to several conclusions, including that the antimonopoly legislation in all of the examined countries contains a number of limitations, and enacts bans regarding the subject of any type of agreements (contracts) that the companies sign. It is also concluded that the banned agreements can be legalized if their positive effects outweigh the negative consequences. Keywords: Antimonopoly legislation, separate agreements (contracts), principle of freedom of contract, collusion, conspiracy, lock-up agreements, monopolistic agreements, free market, binding contracts, exclusive contracts
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