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Law and Politics

Titkov A.V., Lukozhev Kh.M. The subjects of restorative justice within criminal procedure

Abstract: The development of criminal procedure has lately been defined by the search for the more effective mechanisms of resolving criminal legal arguments that incorporate such aspects as compensation of damages to a victim, restoration of the right violated in the process of a crime, and restoration of a normal life of a victim of a crime. The article examines the questions pertaining to the participation of officials and authorities – detective, investigator, prosecutor and court who initiated the mediation procedure in the criminal proceedings and later recording its results in order to resolve the conflict. The modernization of criminal policy currently taking place in the Russian Federation poses a question of a broader implementation of conciliation procedures in the resolution of criminal legal conflicts. The improvements to the legislation and the practice of its implementation are impossible without a thorough doctrinal understanding of the problems of alternative methods of resolving criminal cases. Currently, there is a gradual accumulation of scientific knowledge on this issue, as the theory of criminal proceedings still has a significant amount of gaps. The scientific research points to the value of the restorative justice as a development of the criminal proceedings, as well as proposes subjects that are suitable to carry out the duties of a mediator in the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation.


officials, humanization, resocialization, criminal process, victim, mediation, restorative justice, appeal, compromise, compensation of damages

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