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Law and Politics
Pisarekno D.A. (2015). On the concept of legal entity as a victim of a crime and their criminal legal status. Law and Politics, 3, 292–297.
Pisarekno D.A. On the concept of legal entity as a victim of a crime and their criminal legal statusAbstract: The subject of this research is the aspects that characterize the concept of a legal entity that has become a victim of a crime and therefore, the criminal legal status of such entity. The object of this research is the public relations in the sphere of criminal legal protection and ensuring the rights of legal entities that became a victim of a crime. On the basis of generalization of signs of a victimized individual in the criminal law and their refraction in relation to a legal entity, becomes the basis for the definition of the legal entity as a victim of a crime. It is noted that the research on the issue of criminal legal status of the legal entity that became a victim of a crime in the theory of criminal law carries a fragmentary character. In this regard, besides by means of the analysis of criminal legal status of the injured natural person are defined to the subjective rights of the legal entity of the victim from a crime characterizing criminal legal status of such associations. Research is based on the dialectic method of scientific knowledge. Other methods include structural, systemic- logical and formal-legal methods. The main conclusions of the conducted research is that the author's concept of the legal entity of a victim of a crime which is understood as a legal entity that suffered from a crime by either directly harm to property and (or) business reputation or an infringement upon its rights, including an attempted (planned) crime. This work also defines the criminal legal status of such victims. Keywords: legal responsibilities, subjective rights, legal entity, individual, victim, damages, crime, legal status, information help, criminal prosecution
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