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Law and Politics

Sulakshin S.S. The government policy on the protection of public morality

Abstract: This article is dedicated to the modern government policy of the Russian Federation in the sphere of protection of morality. At the present stage, the government practically withdrew its influence on the forming of informational politics of the mass media and protection of the highest values of Russia in the area of providing morality and wellness of the citizens. This also relates to the Internet and publishing industry. At the same time the analysis of the current state of morality within the modern Russian society proves it necessary for the government to regulate this issue. Within the framework of this research the author makes specific recommendations on improving the government policy in the area of spiritual condition of the society. Based on the empirical research of the state of morality within Russian society and the analysis of the current legislation new recommendations are being proposed – the project of federal law “On the protection of morality, psychiatric wellness and psychological condition of the consumers of the products of mass media, information-telecommunication networks, and the publishing industry”. This article is first to conceptually substantiate the need for moral censorship and constitutionality of its legal nature. It presents key positions of the government bill on protection of morality; develops positions on creation of a specialized authority within this sphere – The Commission for Protection of Morality; offers specific actions with regards to the harmful information at various stages of regulation.


Morality, Censorship, Government policy, Mass media, Internet, Psychological wellness, Legislative act, Child protection, Public interests, Media space .

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