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Law and Politics

Khramova T.M. The functional potential of the freedom of assembly: formal attribute or the irreplaceable element of modern democracy?

Abstract: The freedom of assembly, despite its constitutional recognition as one of the main liberties, seems to attract a lot of attention of the legislators from the perspective of establishing limitations. The constitutional significance of this liberty, as well as the necessity and adequacy of the enacted limitations are evaluated through the prism of the functions performed by the freedom of assembly. The author highlights three main functions: communicative, “uniting”, and the function of “emotional relief”. They collectively define the essence of this liberty and the special nature of its legal regulation. The analysis of the functional potential of the freedom of assembly convinces the author in the uniqueness and irreplaceability of this liberty in a modern democratic state. The limitations of the freedom of assembly justified by the risks of its realization can only be considered as acceptable when they do not infringe on its ability to effectively carry out each of the stated functions.


Constitutional Court, complex legislation, function of emotional relief, function of forming an identity, communicative function, freedom of assembly, limitation of rights, individual right, collective right, protest.

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