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Law and Politics
Evtushenko V.I., Duyun S.I. (2015). The constitutional-legal status of a foreign citizen
and a stateless person in the Russian Federation:
the issue of defi nition. Law and Politics, 1, 94–98.
Evtushenko V.I., Duyun S.I. The constitutional-legal status of a foreign citizen and a stateless person in the Russian Federation: the issue of defi nitionAbstract: The purpose for this work is the analysis of the inherent peculiarities of the legal status of foreign citizens and persons without citizenship in the Russian Federation and the effect of the changes made to the legal statuses of specific groups of foreign citizens and stateless persons onto the general constitutional-legal status of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Russian Federation. The conducted scientific analysis allowed the authors to come to the conclusion that the constitutional legal status of foreign citizens on Russian soil does not depend on the presence or absence of political legal connection to the country of their citizenship (whether democratic or monarchial system of government) as many authors claim, and is identical for all social groups of foreign citizens and persons without citizenship entering the Russian Federation, and does not differ from the legal status of the stateless persons (apatrides) or foreign citizens who have received temporary asylum, political asylum, or a refugee status within the Russian Federation. Keywords: Legal status, foreign citizen, statelessness, apatride, refugee, political asylum, constitutional legal status.
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