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Law and Politics

Karasev R.E. Constitutional (charter) courts of the constituent members of the Russian Federation: cooperation with other judicial branches in the sphere of protection of human and citizen’s rights and liberties

Abstract: The subject of this research is the constitutional (charter) courts of the Russian Federation and their cooperation with the other judicial branches in the sphere of protection of human rights and liberties. The article touches on the issues of competency of the constitutional (charter) courts of the Russian Federation as compared to other judicial branches. A special attention is given to the establishing of a unified system of branches of constitutional justice by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the authorities of the constitutional control of the constituents of the Russian Federation. The scientific novelty consists in the author’s conclusion on the need to provide constructive cooperation between the constitutional (charter) courts of the constituent members of the Russian Federation and other judicial branches. This would be an important part of improving the system of protection of human and citizen’s rights and liberties within Russia and the next step in the building of a legal state and civil society.


Constitution, Constitutional Court, statute, constituents of the Russian Federation, authority, rights and liberties, advocacy, civil society.

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