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Law and Politics
Baymatov P.N. (2014). Normative-legal regulation of the right to social security
in Tyumen Oblast. Law and Politics, 12, 1921–1926.
Baymatov P.N. Normative-legal regulation of the right to social security in Tyumen OblastAbstract: This article presents an analysis of the legislation in the area of social security. It researches both, the norms of federal legislation, as well as the normative acts of Tyumen Oblast. An analysis is conducted on the structuring of legislation of the Tyumen Oblast as a subject of Russian Federation through the prism of delimitation of the competency between the Russian Federation and its subjects in realization of the constitutional rights of citizens to social security. The author gives brief characteristics of the basic laws and by-laws that are part of the system of regional normative acts on the right to social security. Based on the conducted research a conclusion is drawn about the increase of the role of the subjects of Russian Federation in exercising the constitutional right of citizens to social security, and the need to have a detailed confirmation of delimitation of competency between the federal and regional authorities in the field of social security and determining the source of financing. Keywords: Constitution, social state, subject of Federation, legislation, social policy, monetization, competency, standards, government authority, financing.
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