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Law and Politics

Riekkinen M.A. Registration at the place of residence as a condition for exercising the human rights and freedoms: international legal aspect

Abstract: International law guarantees each of us a vast amount of political, social and economic, and cultural rights. However, most of our rights can only be exercised under the conditions of possessing official documents and registration. Registration at the place of residence is one of the necessary conditions in the fundamental human rights. This article presents a view of the legal problems related to the registration at the place of residence in both, the post-Soviet states and the European countries. In the former Soviet Union the issues of the registration at the place of residence are linked to the remnants of the system of residence permit within the legal systems of separate nations and the imperfection of the modern systems of registration of residents. Within the European context these problems are mostly connected with the resolution of the issue of irregular migrants. The author systematizes recommendations of international authorities on human rights regarding the optimization of the registration system at the place of residence. This research implements examples of legislative solutions found by Scandinavian countries.


Political rights, exercising fundamental rights, registration of population, migrant workers, OSCE principles, Council of Europe, European Court, foreign experience, irregular migrants.

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