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Law and Politics

Klimova Y.A. The problems of expanding the procedural autonomy of investigators

Abstract: The subject of this research is the complex of the norms of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation that regulate the legal status of an investigator, their competence and authority. The author also analyses the problems associated with expansion of the procedural autonomy of investigators in light of the reading of a Federal Bill No. 555400-6 “On amendments to the Criminal procedure code of the Russian Federation in the part of giving the investigator the right to appeal certain decisions of the Prosecutor in a criminal case, made by indictment or indictments decree”. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that this work researches the problematic aspects of the normative regulation of the procedural autonomy of investigators, taking into account the recent changes to the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation and a bill that is currently being reviewed by the State Duma. The author makes a conclusion about the need of a complex organizational approach to the solution of the problem of legal regulation of the procedural autonomy of investigators, in order to create optimal conditions for a timely investigation of crimes and forwarding the case to the prosecutor on one hand, and ensuring protection of the rights and legal interests of victims, defendants, and other involved parties on the other.


Procedural autonomy, investigator, bill, changes, appeal of a decision, prosecutor, reform, preliminary investigation, indictment, indictment decree.

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