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Law and Politics

Yarovenko V.V., Polishuk O.V. Reference book as a component of providing criminological information for investigative work

Abstract: This article examines reference books that are intended for a proper and full description of the objects and traces found during an inspection, as a component of providing investigators with valid evidence and criminological information. The authors note that even if a protocol of an inspection is properly and procedurally documented but violates criminological guidelines on description, than it leads to the significance of the evidence being reduced due the doubts of their validity; in other words, their relevance. Based on the data from the examined literature on the acting legislation and investigations, the authors prepared and published a criminologist’s guide, which contains references and informational material in the form of a description in the protocol of individual characteristics of objects, as well as photos and fragments of description of trace evidence located on various objects, which ensures their quality visual perception. It is worth mentioning that implementation of this guide will contribute to the increase in effectiveness of recording criminological information, and in doing so will improve the information and analytical work of the investigators and experts. This handbook can also be used during interrogations, when there is a need to compile a detailed indirect description of individual characteristics of various objects based on the testimony of the person being interrogated.


Reference books, inspection, description, objects, trace evidence, validity of evidence, incompetent evidence, criminology, investigator, expert.

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