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Law and Politics

Sidorov A.S. Cooperation of the Far Eastern subjects of the Russian Federation with the nations of the Pacifi c Rim: current status and opportunities for further development

Abstract: In this article the author reviews the current state and opportunities for cooperation of the Far Eastern subjects of the Russian Federation with the nations of the Pacific Rim. This research allows us to find new approaches and changes to the policy of defense of national interest of the Russian Federation under the conditions of shifting of economic and financial center within the Pacific Rim. Far East became the key link being the most involved into the foreign economic relations with the nations of the Pacific Rim. Just 21 member-states of the APEC account for 57% of global GDP and approximately 40% of world’s population. In the current international situation there is a need for optimization of Russia’s participation in the integrative processes of the Pacific Rim that would provide a complex unilateral approach and coordination of the actions of all Russian participants. The main component of this process should become the balanced triple integration: between the Far Eastern subjects of the Russian Federation themselves; between the Federal Center and the Far Eastern Federal District; between Russian and the nations of the Pacific Rim.


Cooperation, integration, modernization, Far Eastern subjects of the Russian Federation, investments, Pacific Rim, Federal Center, infrastructure, sanction politics, strategy.

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