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Law and Politics
Demakov R.A. (2014). The mechanisms for improving the procedure of introduction
of a governmental bill to be reviewed by the federal legislature. Law and Politics, 12, 1816–1822.
Demakov R.A. The mechanisms for improving the procedure of introduction of a governmental bill to be reviewed by the federal legislatureAbstract: The author reviews the governing body of the Russian Federation as a branch of authority that has a status of a special legal entity of the legislative initiative, and carries a fundamental significance for the normative regulation of social relations. This article demonstrates that the active participation of Russian government in many ways provides juridical qualities, which add a high social adequacy of a future federal law. The author comes to a conclusion that the existing system of the federal government’s participation in a process of lawmaking in introduction of a developed project of federal law to be reviewed by the legislature cannot be unequivocally claimed to be perfect. Practical recommendations are proposed on the optimization of cooperation between the executive and legislative branches of government on a federal level, as well as the need to improve certain by-laws that regulate the work of the government officials of the State Duma of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. Keywords: Government, government official, lawmaking, legislative initiative, bill, by-laws, rationalized parliamentarism, juridical collision, institutional lobbying.
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