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Law and Politics

Borodach M.V. Public property as an element of Russian statism: axiological analysis and constitutional and legal aspects

Abstract: This article is dedicated to the problem of defining the legal nature of an institution (phenomenon) of public property and its place within the system of elements of Russian statism. Reviewing the existing concepts of public property, the author justifies the need to research this problem because of the absence of the solution to this issue within modern Russian jurisprudence. The author proposes using the axiological approach to analyze the signs and phenomena of public property. This work concludes that public property has a strictly constitutional and legal nature and must be considered among the primary elements of the Russian statism, same as national sovereignty, territory, republican form of governing, federal structure, democratic state, and others.


Public property, nation, public authority, statism, public interests, public needs, forms of property, axiological approach, constitutional values, legal nature.

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