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Law and Politics

Brezhnev, O.V. Law “On the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation”: novel features of 2014 and problems of their implementation

Abstract: The article concerns the complex of legislative decisions taken in 2014, which were aimed at the reform of the federal constitutional justice. These decisions concern the competence of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, organization of its activities, status of the judges and the procedures for the constitutional judicial procedure (changes in the grounds for refusal to accept the claim, clarification on the periods for various procedural actions, strengthening of written elements in judicial proceedings, etc.). Special attention is paid to the analysis of the issues directly influencing the procedural status of a citizen as a participant of constitutional judicial proceedings providing for the possibility to protect his rights via implementation of this form of judicial power. In the process of studies the author used general scientific (dialectic, systemic) and special (comparative legal, formal legal) methods, allowing to single out the key problems related to the current stage of reform of the constitutional justice and to establish the possible solutions. The article discusses the main directions in the development of legislative regulation of the Russian constitutional justice: guaranteeing it accessibility for the people in order to guarantee protection of their basic rights and freedoms, improvements in the procedural form of implementation of the competence in the sphere of judicial constitutional control, formation of the mechanism for overcoming possible conflicts between the decision of international bodies on human rights and acts of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. The author points out the defects of the current legislation in this sphere (incomplete and unclear norms, possibilities for their ambiguous interpretation, lack of coordination between some legal provisions. And the author offers some legislative measures in order to deal with these defects.


Sonstitutional control, justice, claim, court, reform, status, procedure, request, legislation, norm.

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