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Law and Politics

Kurbanov, R.A. Legal regulation of electric power industry (the USA)

Abstract: The article evaluates evolution of the legal regulation of the electric energy sector in the USA. In the US legislation legal regulation of electric power industry involves the sphere of electric energy production, networks for the supply of energy to customer, and wholesale supply of energy. Initially electric energy market was regulated active development of electric energy market in early XX century required interference of federal government and application of anti-trust legislation in order to systematize this sphere. Also, a set of measures is taken at the federal level in order to improve energy efficiency and energy saving. In the process of its development energy sector of the USA survived several crises, and it required development of energy policy at the federal level. Another important factor is influence of environmental requirements upon the development of energy sector, where the main attention is paid to development of use of renewable resources, such as hydro energy. Compliance with the environmental imperatives, when providing licenses and permission, is established not so much in the legislation, rather it is provided for with a number of judicial decisions, obligating relevant government bodies to pay special attention to environmental imperatives, when issuing licenses and permissions.


The USA, electric power industry, anti-trust legislation, energy efficiency, licensing, environment, energy crisis, hydro energy, energy resources, federal legislation.

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