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Law and Politics

Kozubenko, Y.V. Pardon as proof of existence of inter-disciplinary mechanism of criminal law regulation: nature and procedural value

Abstract: The article contains analysis of pardon in its interdisciplinary and procedural aspects. The opinion is expressed that pardon holds a special place within the system of procedural acts, and that sometimes it does not serve as evidence of guilt of a person in a crime. The author evaluates the possible meanings of pardon in their criminal law aspect within the proceedings in a criminal case. The decree on pardon for the convict does not prevent improvement of the position of the convict, including acquittal. At the same time reversal of a conviction judgment does not require that the decree on pardon of a convict be abolished, since it is adopted for a convicted person, and being secondary to the judgment, it does not have any further special legal standing. There is need for a special pardon procedure for some categories of crimes.


Jurisprudence, pardon, mechanism of criminal law regulation, correlation of material and procedural criminal law, President of the Russian Federation, Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, claim for pardon, claim against pardon, pardon of a suspect, accused, admission of guilt.

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