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Law and Politics
Amanzholov, Zh. M. (2014). Asia-Pacifi c Economic Cooperation Forum
and its perspectives in the sphere of regional
security guarantees. Law and Politics, 6, 812–824.
Amanzholov, Zh. M. Asia-Pacifi c Economic Cooperation Forum and its perspectives in the sphere of regional security guaranteesAbstract: The article contains analysis of the current situation in the sphere of activities of the APEC as a pan-Asian- Pacific economic organization, and its expected future due to its possible transformation into the regional institutions dealing with the security issues. The author evaluates new challenges and threats, which may cause significant damage to the interests of the Member States due to the growing scale of their public danger and internationalization. The agenda of the summits and meetings of competent ministers within the framework of the organization, as well as the documents resulting from these events visibly show and proof that collective actions in this direction may only be successful if they are based upon close cooperation among the states. At the same time there are still problems, such as lack of legally binding means within the general political and legal mechanisms of functioning of the APEC, which is due to lack of united approach to their regulation and application by the participants of the Forum. Finally, based upon the analysis the author formulates some conclusions of long-term relevance for the development of the security dimension in the APEC activities. Keywords: APEC, international law, economic cooperation, Member States, summits, regional security, new threats, terrorism, military and political situation, critical sectors.
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