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Law and Politics
Pirbudagova, D. Sh., Isbagandova, I.I. (2014). On the issue of competence of legislative (representative)
government bodies of the constituent subjects
of the Russian Federation. Law and Politics, 6, 807–811.
Pirbudagova, D. Sh., Isbagandova, I.I. On the issue of competence of legislative (representative) government bodies of the constituent subjects of the Russian FederationAbstract: The object of studies involves legal norms, including the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the current federal and regional legislation (constitutions, statutes, laws regulating the issues of implementation of activities within constitutionally provided competence of the Federation and its constituent subjects by the legislative (representative) government bodies of the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation, other sources of law, practice of implementation of competence by the regional parliaments based upon the nature and functional purpose of the legislative (representative) government bodies of the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation, scientific ideas, as provided for by the legal doctrine. The main methods involve general scientific methods (dialectic, systemic), specific legal methods (comparative legal studies, formal legal method). The use of these methods has allowed to single out the main problems regarding implementation of competence of legislative (representative) government bodies of the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation. The scientific novelty is due to the attempt of complex constitutional legal study of the issues of implementation of legislative (representative) state government bodies of the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation and related problems. The article pays special attention to the imperfections of the current legislation in the sphere of legal regulation of legislative competence of parliaments of the constituent subjects in the spheres of joint competence. The authors make propositions for the improvement of the mechanism of implementation of the control competence of the legislative (representative) government bodies of the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation. Keywords: objects of competence, legislative (representative) bodies, competence, distinguishing, constituent subjects, federation, legislation, law-making competence, responsibility mechanism, parliamentary control.
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