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Law and Politics

Mishunina, A.A., Popova, N.S. On the work of the Council of the Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the Senate of Canada in the sphere of cross-national relations

Abstract: In this article based upon the examples from the work of the Council of the Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the Senate of Canada the authors analyze the work of the higher chambers of parliaments in the sphere of cross-national relations. The co-authors analyze the normative legal acts, regulating the work of the specialized Councils and Committees for National Issues, participation of the higher chambers in other procedures, aimed at dealing with cross-national discords, they also provide recommendations for the improvement of the said sphere of activities of higher parliamentary chambers in the federal states. The methodology of studies involves a complex of general scientific methods of studies, as well as comparative legal, sociological, normative, and technical legal analysis, other scientific approaches, allowing to reveal the key patterns in the practical development of work of the higher parliamentary chambers, including the information of the Consultative Council under the auspices of the Chairman of the Council of the Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on cross-national relations and interaction with religious associations, and the Permanent Committee on Human Rights under the auspices of the Canadian Senate. Among the theoretical methods applied in the process of studies, there were analysis, generalization and comparative legal method. The scientific novelty is due to provision of the comparative legal studies based upon the analysis of practice of the Council of the Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the Senate of Canada in the sphere of cross-national relations. As a result, the authors note that in the current conditions the higher chambers of parliaments actively participate in the implementation of the state policy in the sphere of harmonization of relations among the nations.


parliamentarism, the Council of the Federation of the Russian Federation, the Senate of Canada, the national issue, the collegiate bodies, the higher chamber of parliament, state policy, cross-national relations, protection of human rights, migration policy.

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