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Law and Politics

Inalkaeva, K.S. Problems of distinguishing between the objects of competence between the federal center and the constituent subjects

Abstract: Topicality of the study is due to the need of the constitutional legal cognition of the changes in the sphere of Russian federalism. The goal of the study is to continue scientific analysis of the problems and specific features regarding distinguishing objects of competence between the federal center and constituent subjects. The object of studies includes social relations, which are formed in the process of formation and development of federal relations, which are based on distinguishing the objects of competence in the modern Russian democratic state. The object of studies involves the norms of constitutional law, by which the objects of competence are distinguished within the legal system of the Russian Federation. The goal of the study is to define place of the issues of exclusive and joint competence of the federation and its constituent subjects within the legal guarantees of federal relations. The methodological basis for the study is formed with the general scientific dialectic cognition method. When writing the article the author used normative legal, comparative legal, and other special methods of scientific cognition. The article also involves analysis of various points of view regarding distinguishing competences and responsibility between the federal center and the constituent subjects, including examples from the legislative practice of the Chechen Republic. The author made a conclusion that the tendency for the centralization of the public power, which should be balanced by the other tendencies – decentralization of the public power, establishing the thesis of the special role of contracts.


objects of competence, state government bodies, dualism, charter, territory, competence, constitution, federal law, cooperation principle, constituent subject of the Russian Federation.

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