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Law and Politics

Maltsev, S.S. Guarantees of international security in the context of development of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)

Abstract: The guarantees of international security remain the priority of the global international political process. At the same time contradictions in the processes of globalization, as well as the new forms of spreading the geopolitical influence by economic, technological, cultural and other expansions, cause the mutual dependency of the key actors in the international relations upon each other. One of the characteristic examples of this situation is technological dependency of the leading states on the USA in the spheres, such as consumer software, IT solutions, production of the semiconductors, as well as wide spread of the GPS services around the world. In this respect the Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS) is of special interest for the successful functioning of the global checks and balances system, in addition to keeping a large missile and nuclear potential. It is the only direct analog to the GPS. In the far perspective one may expect also the European project “Galileo” and the Chinese “Compass” project. The methodological basis for this study was formed by the political neo-realism paradigm from the standpoint of guarantees of national security of the state and relevant international activities by exploitation and use of the GNSS. Speaking of the main conclusions of the study, it seems obvious that confrontation of the key power centers in the framework of the global political process did not vanish. In the context of development of the GNSS and the competition among their developing states for the frequency spectrum, it becomes especially obvious. However, while the technological contours of GPS, Galileo and Compass remain closed, Russia purposefully partially opens the contour of GLONASS to other states, such as India, providing for the continuous and sustainable quality, as no other state does. It should be regarded by the consumer states for navigation services as the proof of reliability of the Russian partner, and factor for the guarantees of international security in general, being an important element of the global checks and balances system against the domination of the USA.


global international process, international space law, system of international security, national security, GLONASS, GPS, Galileo, Compass, international relations, national interests.

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