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Law and Politics

Starodubtseva, V.V. Legal regulation of old age pension guarantees in Switzerland: things to consider for the Russian legislator

Abstract: The object of studies in this article includes the legal norms regulating the grounds for assigning the old age pension within the system of obligatory pension insurance in Switzerland and in Russia. The author establishes that the conditions for provision of this type of pension include a combination of legal facts, being a complicated legal composition. It includes presence of the certain number of years of pensionable service, achieving a pension age, address to a competent body for assigning a pension, and a positive decision of this body, while some of its elements are compared by the author in order to find the possibilities for the improvement of the Russian pension legislation. Comparing Russian and Swiss pension legislation the author uses comparative legal method as the main method for the studies. The author draws a conclusion on the need to provide in the Russian pension legislation the goals for assigning a pension in order to guarantee a retired person a worthy living, definition of years of pensionable service without reference to payment of insurance at the time of work or other paid activities, enlarging the period of childcare which should be included into the years of pensionable service in order to improve the Russian pension legislation.


pension, old age pension, pension guarantees, social guarantees, years of pensionable service, pension system of Switzerland, obligatory pension insurance, non-insurance periods, goals of pension guarantees, pensions to working pensioners.

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