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Law and Politics

Shihanov, V.N. Legal construction of negligent crimes needs improving

Abstract: Criminal law is regarded as one of the strongest means against negative social manifestations. In Russia it is easily amended. At the same time, the criminal statistical data in the last 40 years make one doubt its capability of positive influence upon the situation in the sphere of negligent crimes. The main causes for the protective and regulatory malfunction of the criminal law are shortcomings of the legal construction, which serves as the basis for the most articles in the Special Part of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on negligent crimes. The use of structural-functional approach and some linguistic methods allow to uncover the main defects of the legal construction of negligent crimes, as well as negative matters in judicial and investigative practice due to its application. The current provisions of criminal law allow to substantiate for the legal responsibility in various situations of negligent causation of harm, however, it fails to give due regard to the important features of social and individual conscience of the addressees. The semantic focus of the criminal legal prohibition was moved away from the voluntary activity units and social psychological settings, which need to be pressed out of the social practice. It leads to application of criminal law through the rules of the strict liability and lowering of its general preventive potential, as well as to the number of other undesirable consequences. In the final part of the article the author formulates six propositions for the improvement of legal construction, allowing to make criminal law more efficient for the purpose of protection of social relation from negligent violations.


Criminal responsibility, differentiation of responsibility, legal constructions, negligence, protective functions, criminal law, legal technique, negligent crime, causal link, strict liability.

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