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Law and Politics

Ivanov, K.K. On the issue of specifi c features of application of certain provisions of law-making process in the foreign states (examples of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Kingdom of Spain, and the French Republic)

Abstract: The object of studies in this article concerns the issue of similarities and differences in the modern law-making process in the Federal Republic of Germany, the Kingdom of Spain, and the French Republic with the law-making process in the Russian Federation. The author reveals the most interesting legal facts, as provided for in the Constitutions of Germany, Spain and France, Regulations of the National Assembly and Senate of France, of the Congress of Deputies and Senate of Spain, of the Bundestag and Bundesrat of Germany, which could have had its use in the Russian legislative process in the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. The methodology, which has allowed the author to complete the above-mentioned analysis of the law-making process and some of it specific provisions of the above-mentioned states includes both general and specific methods of scientific cognition. In the process of studies the author applied analytical legal method, comparative legal method and also the methods of comparison and analysis. The results of the complex study of theoretical and procedural aspects of the modern law-making process in Germany, France and Spain include singling out of the specific features of use of legislative initiatives in the parliaments of the above-mentioned states, which may be used in the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. The legislative process of the Republic of France may be useful in Russia in part of application of constitutional control over the laws of high social value in order to improve their quality up to the signing by the head of the state. The legislative process of the Federal Republic of Germany may be useful in part of limitation period for the “draft law” status within the current session. The experience of the Kingdom of Spain may be useful in part of delegation to the people of the right to take part in the formation of a rule-of-law state by provision of a limited legislative initiative on a condition that a necessary amount of signatures was collected in its support.


Legislative initiative, status, Federal Assembly, the Russian Federation, the Council of the Federation, the State Duma, draft law, law, law-making process, foreign states.

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