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Law and Politics

Lebedev, P.A. On the issue of validity (application) period of insurance coverage for the goods under the general insurance contract (policy)

Abstract: The general insurance contract (policy), which may be used for maritime transportation of goods may provide insurance coverage for all goods or a certain type of goods within the sphere of its application. The insurance indemnity should be paid on a condition that an insurance event (loss or damage to the goods) takes place within the period of validity of insurance coverage. The latter should be provided for in the general contract (policy), when it is concluded, and it applies no matter whether there was a policy for a specific party of goods. An insurance event is any loss or damage to the carried goods, which took place within the period of validity of insurance coverage according to the general policy. In respect of each lost or damage insured party of transported goods there is no need to establish the elements of probability and accidental character, since they are not characteristic features of the supposed event, which is defined when concluding a general insurance policy (contract).


jurisprudence, marine, insurance, general, contract, policy, goods, loss, damage, compensation.

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