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Law and Politics

Dubynina, T.V. Civil law aspect of military law: some theoretical issues

Abstract: Based upon the analysis of various approaches to the place and role of military law in the legal system of the Russian Federation and the evaluation of the participation of military organizations and military officers in the civil law turnover, the author establishes the possibility for the interdisciplinary (military law and civil law) regulation of the relations in the sphere of guarantees of military security of the Russian Federation. The object of studies includes social relations, which appear in regard with the implementation of the activities for the guarantees of military security of the Russian Federation by the military officers and military organizations at the current stage of development of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The immediate object includes norms of law, legal constructions and legal means used in the sphere of guarantees of military security of the state. The methods of study include general scientific cognition methods (analysis, synthesis, generalization, systemic structural method), as well as logical and formal legal methods for the scientific research. The results include the development of the directions for solving the problems of interdisciplinary (military law and civil law) regulation of the relations in the sphere of guarantees of military security of the state. Its practical value is due to the fact that the conclusions and provisions formulated in this article have an impact on the development of legal system of the Russian Federation, its civil and military law, as well as the science of military law.


military security, system of law, military law, complex branch of law, interdisciplinary legal institution, participants of civil law relations, military officers, military organizations, civil law regulation, military security of the state.

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