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Law and Politics

Mikhaleva, N.A. The institute of citizenship in the modern world. Reviews of three books by E.S. Smirnova

Abstract: The review focuses on three volumes of studies of citizenship in a global context. The first book – “International legal problems of citizenship of the CIS and the Baltic States in the light of the European experience” – gives an idea of the development of citizenship in two geographical dimensions: the post-Soviet CIS member states and the European Union. A second monograph by E.S. Smirnova – “European citizenship – multiple in a single “ – is intended to show all aspects of the development of European citizenship. The third volume of the monographs by E.S. Smirnova is “Problems in the legal status of foreigners in the context of globalization.” The scope of this book is truly global (from issues of the legal status of foreigners from the tenth century BC). The author defines globalization as a legal concept. The following consistent conclusion shall be made: globalization is a long, long history of numbering; the assimilation of the world population’s positive ideas of justice, goodness, common good in the field of economics, politics and other spheres of social relations in the future received regulatory consolidation both in the national legislation of states and in international law.


Russian Constitution, citizenship, partnership agreement, the Council of Europe, European Union, integration and law, foreigners.

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