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Law and Politics

Keshner, M.V. On the issues of projects to improve the efficiency of international sanctions

Abstract: Coercion in the international law has its own characteristics, primarily predetermined by the nature of interstate relations and by methods of their regulation. If there is not any centralized apparatus of coercion, it is executed in a decentralized way (individually) – by the states, through the mechanism of countermeasures, and in a centralized way (collectively) – by using the institutional mechanism of international organizations through international legal sanctions. The use of international sanctions belongs to the most complex and significant issues of modern international law. This is due to a number of serious problems occurring in the process of implementing the international sanctions regimes, the existence of which is the main reason for critical comments on their effectiveness. The present article examines the modification of sanction regimes imposed by resolutions of the Security Council of the United Nations Organization within the implementation of the concept of targeted sanctions. The necessity of the further reforming of international sanctions is substantiated as coercive measures applied by means of a centralized institutional mechanism of international organizations. The main tendencies of the international legal regulation of using international sanctions aimed at improving their regulatory framework and practices are determined.


international sanctions, the Security Council resolutions, international sanctions regime, targeted sanctions, effectiveness of the international sanctions, freezing of funds, target orientation of international sanctions, forms of executing sanctions, legitimacy of the international sanctions and embargo.

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