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Law and Politics

Polyanina, A.K. The principle of autonomy of person in the constitutional law

Abstract: The article is devoted to the studies of the recognition of autonomy of person as an integral category among the principles of the constitutional status of a person. The author considers such an approach to be plausible and necessary in the modern social reality. The article includes analysis of correlation of ht principles of liberty and autonomy of a person, their interrelation and differences. The author notes the interaction of the principle of autonomy of person with all of the basic rights and freedoms of a person and its correspondence with the general characteristics of constitutional principles. The author also notes the value of the principle of autonomy of a person as a source for the development of constitutional relations, defining its development towards guarantees of security and social realization of a person in the conditions of growing information influence of the social platform. Autonomy of person is recognized by the author as a key concept of the constitutional status of a person, reflecting the need and the possibility for the free creative self-determination of a person, independent choice of thought and acts, formation and realization of authentic personality.


constitutional principle, autonomy of a person, freedom, authenticity, information influence, human rights, expression of will, self-determination, status of a person, human freedoms.

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