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Law and Politics
Kurakin, A.V., Kostennikov, M.V., Tregubova, E.V. (2013). Constitutional right for holding peaceful gatherings,
meetings, demonstrations, marches, and pickets
and administrative liability as its guarantee. Law and Politics, 13, 1804–1812.
Kurakin, A.V., Kostennikov, M.V., Tregubova, E.V. Constitutional right for holding peaceful gatherings, meetings, demonstrations, marches, and pickets and administrative liability as its guaranteeAbstract: The authors discuss specific features of administrative responsibility for the violations of the legislation on peaceful gatherings, meetings, demonstrations, marches, and pickets. The article includes analysis of elements of various public events, and their classification on different grounds. Classification of public events allows one to see their variety, which is very important for the choice of just measures of responsibility applied to the organizers or participants of such events, if they commit a violation of procedure of its organization or holding. The authors consider that strengthening the administrative responsibility measures raised the importance of this type of legal responsibility as means of guarantees of legal order and it should also be reflected upon support of legal order and protection of human rights when holding social and political events. In the conditions of political instability in the Russian society separatist and extremist tendencies are growing, and it justifies stricter sanctions for the violations in the procedure of social and political events. In the opinion of the authors this situation makes formation of legal and organizational mechanisms for minimizing the defects in the development of the Russian political system especially topical. Keywords: meeting, freedom, march, Constitution, law, permission, sanction, police, violation, strategy.
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