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Law and Politics

Trofimov, V.V. Russian constitutional legislation and its constituting role in the sphere of formation and implementation of law-making mechanism of the state

Abstract: The article contains analysis of legal provisions of state constitution in defining the parameters for the formation and functioning of the law-making mechanisms. The author studies constitutional norms, which provide the subjects of society and state with law-making authority. In a number of cases the author provides comparative analysis with the legislative experience of law-making mechanisms of foreign states. The author also compares law-making prerogatives of the lower and upper chambers of the Russian parliament t. He provides examples of similar correlations in the parliaments of other states, such as the USA, the FRG, Switzerland, etc. He analyzes specific features, characterizing interaction of parliamentary chambers, being parts of the legislative branch of government. The author also evaluates norm-making competence of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation. He analyzes norm-making prerogatives of other empowered subjects (in both horizontal and vertical dimensions). Attention is paid to the institute of delegated law-making, which is typical for a number of foreign states. The conclusion is formulated on the need to improve the system of law-making mechanisms in a state.


the Constitution of the Russian Federation, law-making mechanism, system, parliament, the President of the Russian Federation, the Government, law-making, competence, delegation, society.

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