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Law and Politics
Tarasevich, I.A. (2013). Formation of the doctrine of religious security
of the Russian Federation: constitutional legal analysis. Law and Politics, 12, 1644–1652.
Tarasevich, I.A. Formation of the doctrine of religious security of the Russian Federation: constitutional legal analysisAbstract: The article contains a thesis that at the current stage of development of the society the doctrine of religious security of the Russian Federation becomes one of the key elements for the national security guarantees. The author formulates the doctrine of religious security of Russia and studies its legal nature. The author studies key elements of the religious security doctrine of Russia, including its goals, definition and classification of threats to religious security, constitutional legal basis for religious security, religious security system, principles for the religious security guarantees, as well as legal mechanisms for such guarantees in the Russian Federation. Having studied the mechanisms for the guarantees of religious security of Russia, the author makes the following conclusions. The degree of protection of Russian society from religious threats is to a great extent dependent upon the model of relations between state and religions. Currently in Russia there is need to recognize some religious organizations as having traditional status, which would allow them to resist a wide range of threats to religious and national security of the Russian Federation. The article studies the possible legal mechanism for acquiring such a status. Efficient fight against the religious threats is not possible, unless the state cooperates with religious and social associations, other organizations, and it also should be reflected in the religious security doctrine of the Russian Federation. This doctrine should be formulated with the due regard to the experience of foreign states. Foreign legislation in the sphere of religious security is not limited to the norms on religious freedom, it also has various provisions against destructive religious and pseudo-religious organizations. Additionally, in the opinion of the author the legal doctrine of religious security of the Russian Federation should provide for the need to neutralize the threats to religious security, as localized outside the Russian Federation. Keywords: jurisprudence, doctrine, traditions, denominations, religion, security, Constitution, national security, state, ideology.
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