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Law and Politics

Karasev, R.E. The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation: protection of basic rights and freedoms in the legislative process

Abstract: The object of study in this article includes basic rights and freedoms, which have supreme value under the Constitution of the Russian Federation and are guaranteed by the state. The article establishes the link between protection of basic rights and freedoms in legislative process of amendments into the Basic Law of Russia and the institution of constitutional control. The author also defines the role of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in law-making and constitutional amendments in the Russian Federation. The author uses general and specific scientific methods, such as comparative legal studies, scientific analysis and synthesis. With the use of the above-mentioned methods the author came to a conclusion that the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation should be provided with the competence to provide opinions on the legislative drafts on amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation. This article includes scientifically novel conclusions on the need to arrange control of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation over the constitutionality of the legislative drafts and their substantiation. The author offers to form a mechanism for implementation of these powers.


amendments, constitutional control, the Constitutional Court, basic freedoms, human rights, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the legislative process, amendments to the Constitution, reforms.

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